On Seeing: Producing a Photographic Series is a 3-month program instructed by photographer/cinematographer Jamie Maxtone-Graham. Each photographer will be assisted in finding their own central abilities and interests, and forming a structure to their own work. The 2023 edition will take place at Matca Space for Photography from October 2023 to December 2023.
Throughout the three months, students will engage in four essential activities:
• Producing new images for each session followed by group critique
• Introduction of important photographers who contributed to fundamental shifts in the medium through to the present day
• Guest lectures from established artists and photographers as available
• Student’s own research of photographers of their choice including images, biography and contribution to the history of photography
The fundamentals of making, seeing and interpretation are repeatedly reinforced in each session, ultimately culminating in student’s research and production of their own personal portfolio.
This is NOT a technical workshop. This mentorship will be a physically intensive and mentally challenging experience. Participants are expected to be motivated and prepared for hard work.
The program can serve as a platform to next-stage experiences for participants that invest themselves in the work. Past attendees have used the portfolios generated in these programs in applying to other regional and international workshops and residencies (Angkor Photo Workshops, Cambodia; Objectifs Centre for Photography, Singapore; Foundry Photo Workshops; etc), to participate in gallery and museum exhibitions, or in publications and awards. View the recap of the previous edition here.
Thông tin chi tiết:
• Time & venue: 10.2023 – 12.2023. Classes will take place twice a week on Tuesday evenings and Saturday afternoons at Matca Space for Photography, 48 Ngoc Ha, Ba Dinh, Hanoi
• Classes will take place in English with translation support
• Tuition fee: 8,500,000 VND
• Apply via this form, hạn chót 29.09.2023
• A maximum of 15 participants will be chosen based on their portfolio and interest as expressed in the application.
Applicants should:
• Have experience with a camera and general post-processing abilities
• Have basic understanding of English
• Most importantly: Be prepared to commit to the process and work hard
About the instructor:
Jamie Maxtone-Graham is a photographer and cinematographer with over 30 years of professional experience in New York, Los Angeles and in Vietnam. He has produced numerous personal projects since moving to Hanoi in 2007 and previously conducted workshops in photography and film at Hanoi DocLab and Matca.