Launched in 2013, Pro Helvetia’s support measures aim to promote the production of photobooks in a way that reflects the dynamic contemporary developments in this field in Switzerland. The appeal of the photobook as an object and independent art form, however, is an international phenomenon.
The Swiss Photobook Today exhibition has traveled around the world, reaching audiences in Myanmar, Russia, India, and more. For the iteration in Vietnam, 23 most relevant titles are selected to be exhibited at Matca Space for Photography. While diverse in both form and content, the books have a common feature: their high production standard which speaks of the great care in each step of the process, and the close collaboration among the photographer and creative partners.

Sharing the same collaborative spirit, the exhibition has received active contributions from local producers, namely a lettering artist, a typographic project, and an environmental organization. Two online artist talks and exhibition tours will take place as part of the exhibition.
You are invited to take your time here and carry on the conversations in and about the photobooks.
Swiss Photobook Today in Vietnam
Venue: Matca Space for Photography, 48 Ngoc Ha, Hanoi
Time: 8:00 – 20:00, 25/03 – 22/04/2021
Artist talk: Yann Gross on his photobook Aya
Venue: Online via Zoom
Time: 20:00 (GMT+7), 30/03/2021
Artist talk: Laurence Kubski on her photobook Crickets
Venue: Online via Zoom
Time: 20:00 (GMT+7), 06/04/2021
The program is co-organized by Pro Helvetia and Matca, and partially supported by the Embassy of Switzerland in Vietnam.