Matca decides to start this hashtag project #matcaspotlight to enable artists to share their works to us via social media, so that we can find and introduce to our audience new faces of photography. Through #matcaspotlight, Matca will invite a guest curator, either a professional photographer or artist, to select, critique and feature good single images in a monthly article.
This series is started from Matca’s own need to look at and share beautiful photos. On the other hand, we also want to extend the playground to amateur photographers who are not yet ready for or in the process of working on a long-term project. This is a chance for photographers to participate in a safe and open environment where they can share and evaluate photographic works, which in turn helps them to learn more and sharpen their orientation. Besides, sharing good works is also a way to inspire photographers themselves as well as the community.
How to participate.
Post the best images that you have taken on your Facebook on Instagram in public mode together with the hashtag #matcaspotlight and a caption explaining what is happening in the photo (with journalistic/documentary works) or the idea and context behind the photo (with personal/conceptual works).
Please note: This caption is a significant part in evaluating works, as we want photographers to define their intention when pressing the shutter speed. It is the foundation on which we can assess your works. Also, writing about your own photographs will encourage you to use photography as a storytelling tool.
At the end of each month, we will invite a guest curator to select 5 to 10 photos to critique and feature on Matca website.
Examples on captioning:

We are looking forward to receiving your works from #matcaspotlight!
*We welcome all kinds of genres, styles and approaches in photography. By submitting to Matca, you’ve agreed to grant Matca rights to publish your work with your credit on our website and other communication channels. The artist will always hold rights to their photographs under any circumstances. We don’t accept photos with watermark.